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Immigration Legal Assistance

Immigration Advocates has a directory of organizations that offer legal assistance for immigration. You can search through their resources at their site There are filters to sort by location, language, types of assistance, and more.


Know Your Rights

Northwest Immigrant Rights Project has compiled several resources to help you understand your rights when interacting with various law enforcement officials and officers. It is important to be aware of your rights and the rights of fellow community members.


One America (Washington New Americans) is holding a Citizenship Day clinic in our area on March 15th. They also have an open call for volunteers to help applicants complete forms, make copies, prepare their case to mail, etc. There will be attorneys who conduct screening and the final quality review. Sign up to volunteer HERE


If you know a legal permanent resident/Green Card holder who would like to take the next step and become a US citizen, please share the attached information. Please note, in order to participate as an applicant, the person must call or text in advance to register. The number to call or text  is (206) 926-3924

USCIS Resources and Forms

You can visit the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ site for information on form fees, eligibility requirements, fee waiver eligibility, and filing requirements at

To file online, follow this link:  Application for Naturalization

To file by mail, follow this link to the form required:  Application for Naturalization

You can find instructions for filing Form N-400, either on-line or by mail, by following this link: Form N-400, Application for Naturalization

Nonimmigrants applying to become lawful permanent residents must now file Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status

Preparing for the Interview and Test

Learn About U.S. Citizenship


为了让华盛顿州的 AAPI 移民过上充实、安全和健康的生活,我们需要为所有人服务的安全和支持性机构和政策,无论其移民身份如何。 




  • 由于 1996 年的福利改革法案,许多移民在其居住的头五年没有资格获得安全网计划,而且对公共负担的担忧阻碍了更多移民获得服务。  

  • 在居住在华盛顿州的超过 800,000 名 AAPI 人中,大约一半是在外国出生的。这包括大约 60,000 个无证 AAPI(全国约有170 万个无证 AAPI)

  • 华盛顿 73% 的亚裔美国人在家中说英语以外的其他语言,其中超过 44% 的亚裔美国人说英语的程度低于“非常好”。

  • 华盛顿约有 60,707 名亚裔美国人 (10%) 生活在贫困中,华盛顿约有 7,951 名 NHPI (17%) 生活在贫困中,这表明需要公共援助。 

  • 与主流说法相反,AAPI 群体之间存在高度的社会经济、种族和语言/文化多样性。例如,印度家庭的收入中位数为 115,105 美元,而苗族家庭的收入中位数为 53,717 美元。 


为此,APIC 支持您获得免费/减少的法律帮助,并倡导以下政策建议:


  • 扩展 LEP 途径: LEP 资金通过职业培训计划、ESL 课程和工作支持促进难民和移民的经济自给自足,为就业机会和入籍提供坚实的基础。 LEP 还为寻求健康和社会服务的老年人提供服务。 LEP Pathways 的资金在经济衰退后被削减,此后一直没有恢复到原来的数额。  

  • 增加对入籍服务的资助:华盛顿州的入籍计划通过协助入籍申请、英语和公民课程以及面试准备,帮助难民和移民成为公民。老年和残疾难民和移民是入籍计划的主要接受者。

  • 为法律辩护基金分配资金:根据法律,移民不能保证可以接触到律师,并且经常发现自己在没有法律代表的情况下在移民法庭上出庭。该基金对于为移民提供他们留在社区所需的适当资源和工具是必要的,无论他们是否能负担得起律师。 

  • 扩大领取失业救济金的资格:随着历史上最大的经济危机之一迫在眉睫,无证工人同样值得获得失业保险。向所有人扩大失业救济金对于支持和提升所有移民是必要的。 

  • 保护无证移民:随着保持华盛顿工作和法院对所有人开放的通过,我们的州政府应继续优先考虑无证华盛顿人的安全,并尽量减少联邦移民执法机构的权力和行动。这包括继续终止政府机构和移民执法机构之间的任何不当合作,增加州长赦免的权力和频率,以及终止营利性拘留中心。

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