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Register for APIC's Democracy Summit: Sept. 27, 2024

This year's Democracy Summit will be held on Friday, September 27th, 2024 at the Tacoma Dome. Visit our Events page to register and be part of making sure our elected officials see, hear, and understand our culturally, linguistically, and geographically diverse AANHPI communities.

Your Voice Matters!

You can submit written or video testimony on bills!


Use the Legislative Hotline 1-800-562-6000 to send a message to legislators with one phone call.

You can also give testimony from the Legislature here. To sign in with your position on a bill, start here.

  • Select the House or the Senate, the Committee, the date and time, then the bill number you would like to comment on. The most effective testimony is when you speak for yourself and explain your personal interest in the bill.

Learn more about the legislative processes with these guides:

2024 Asian American &
Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Voter Maps

The Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs (CAPAA) partnered with KAYA Strategik to develop a density map on Asian American eligible voter populations in Washington State. Asians comprise 12% (888,309) of Washington's population and 9% (474,053) of the citizen voting age population in Washington.

Counties with the largest Asian AIC eligible voting populations: King County (254,657), Snohomish County (62,449), Pierce County (56,138), Clark County (20,594), Thurston County (14,875). 

Largest Asian ethnic group of eligible voters in Washington: Filipinos (~114,000), Chinese, except Taiwanese (~98,000), Vietnamese (~63,000), Korean (~60,000), Japanese (~57,000).

The Secretary of State provides voter registration forms in 23 languages including العربيةBengaliမြန်မာ 中文FarsiHindi日本語អក្សរខ្មែរ한국어ພາສາລາວ,​​​​​PunjabiTagalog, and Tiếng Việt

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Census Updates

The U.S. Census Bureau has formally invited the public to share their input and ideas for an improved 2030 Census. The invitation comes in the form of a Federal Register Notice published on August 17, 2022. 

You can find Frequently Asked Questions about the census here.

The new Census website can now be used to produce a quick report with the current census data from 2020. Explore your area.

2025 Legislative Day

2025 Legislative Day



APIC SPSのリーダーと友人は、2月2日から3日までの仮想API立法週間活動に参加し、APICWAの多くの立法上の優先事項を提唱しました。参加の呼びかけに答えてくれてありがとう! 

Pew Research: When surveying small populations, some approaches are more inclusive than others

Survey researchers increasingly recognize that a single survey of the general public can rarely represent the views of small groups of Americans. Such surveys frequently have too few interviews with certain populations – such as smaller religious or racial or ethnic groups – for those voices to be heard. 

Pew Research: The Asian American Experience

In the fall of 2021, Pew Research Center undertook the largest focus group study it had ever conducted to hear Asian Americans talk about their lived experiences in America. 


2021年に、私たちはワシントンの  Redistricting Justiceの連立に参加しました。そこでは、部族の境界と色のコミュニティが新しい地区の境界線で表されるように共同で取り組んでいます。新しい地区の線が引かれました。一部の立法地区では、  変更された_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_が変更された可能性があり、代表者/上院議員も一緒に変更された可能性があります。 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

​RJWA 4月の更新:連立はVRA訴訟を終了することを決定しました。この決定がなされた理由について詳しくは、こちらをご覧ください。

詳細については、ワシントンの再区画正義(RJW) . をご覧ください。



HB 1365 AN ACT













SB5067弾劾の開示の可能性Dhingra &  コンパニオンbill HB 1088 Lovick / Goodman



SB5069調査コンプライアンス監査Dhingra_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_&  コンパニオンbill HB1089ラモス/グッドマン






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