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- Home | Asian Pacific Islanders Coalition/South Puget Sound Chapter
COALIZIONE DEGLI ISOLE DEL PACIFICO ASIATICO-SPS Home: Who We Are CHI SIAMO Asian Pacific Islanders Coalition-South Puget Sound Chapter fa parte della Asian Pacific Islanders Coalition di Washington (APIC-WA). Ci dedichiamo alla promozione dell'equità sostenendo: Servizi sanitari e umani culturalmente competenti e linguisticamente accessibili Sviluppo economico per le piccole imprese Diritti civili e umani Pari accesso all'istruzione E molte altre preoccupazioni per gli americani dell'Asia del Pacifico, inclusi immigrati, rifugiati e cittadini dell'area di South Puget Sound, nello Stato di Washington COSA FACCIAMO ADVOCACY E IMPEGNO CIVICO Siamo qui, contiamo, votiamo Per saperne di più ASSISTENZA ALLA CITTADINANZA Un passo alla volta Per saperne di più SVOLGIMENTO DELLA COMUNITÀ Aiutare la Comunità Per saperne di più Home: What We Do Look out for our events! Visit our event page Riuniamo gli americani dell'Asia del Pacifico, inclusi immigrati, rifugiati e cittadini, per usare la nostra forza collettiva per responsabilizzare e difendere la nostra comunità.
- Legislative Bill Tracker | APIC-WA SPS Chapter
tracker di legge legislativa La sessione legislativa del 2022 è terminata! Qualsiasi disegno di legge non approvato quest'anno, dovrà essere reintrodotto nella prossima sessione (2023) e avrà nuovi numeri di disegno di legge. Important dates for the 105-day legislative session: January 13th — First d ay of session February 21st — Policy committee cutoff February 28th —Fiscal committee cutoff March 12th — House of origin cutoff April 2nd — Policy Committee Cutoff - Opposite House April 8th — Fiscal Committee Cutoff - Opposite House April 16th — Opposite House Cutoff April 27th — Last day of session May 20th — Last day for Governor to take action Legislative Priorities Equità sanitaria per gli immigrati HB 1773 status as of 2/27: Referred to Appropriations (2/20) SB 5626 status as of 2/27: Scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM on February 26th 12,131 milioni di dollari sono stati stanziati nel budget supplementare per lanciare programmi di copertura sanitaria per tutti i Washingtoniani (indipendentemente dal loro stato di immigrazione) a partire dal 2024 Send a Comment to Your Legislators HB 1773 Send a Comment to Your Legislators SB 5626 Sign up to Testify/Submit Written Testimony Equità sanitaria per gli immigrati Status as of 2/27: First reading, referred to Health Care & Wellness (2/21) 12,131 milioni di dollari sono stati stanziati nel budget supplementare per lanciare programmi di copertura sanitaria per tutti i Washingtoniani (indipendentemente dal loro stato di immigrazione) a partire dal 2024 HB 1482 Send a Comment to Your Legislators Equità sanitaria per gli immigrati No bill number yet Naturalization services help refugees and immigrants, predominantly those who are disabled and elderly, attain citizenship through assistance in completing the USCIS N-400 naturalization application and fee waiver requests, classes in American history and civics, and interview preparation. By maintaining funding for Naturalization services at $3,545,000 in fiscal year 2025 and 2026, we can continue to serve immigrants and refugees in our state. The Limited English Proficient (LEP) Pathways’ primary goal is to promote economic self-sufficiency for refugees and immigrants through job training, English as a Second Language (ESL) classes, work support, and social services. By maintaining funding for the LEP Pathways program at $1,774,000, we can better support low-income and limited English speaking immigrants. These program funding sources were cut during the 2008 financial crisis, causing immigrant communities to suffer disproportionately during that time of economic downturn. It is critical that we not repeat this mistake, especially during times of deep anxiety and uncertainty for immigrant communities. Equità sanitaria per gli immigrati 12,131 milioni di dollari sono stati stanziati nel budget supplementare per lanciare programmi di copertura sanitaria per tutti i Washingtoniani (indipendentemente dal loro stato di immigrazione) a partire dal 2024 No bill number yet Capital Projects Equità sanitaria per gli immigrati 12,131 milioni di dollari sono stati stanziati nel budget supplementare per lanciare programmi di copertura sanitaria per tutti i Washingtoniani (indipendentemente dal loro stato di immigrazione) a partire dal 2024 Equità sanitaria per gli immigrati 12,131 milioni di dollari sono stati stanziati nel budget supplementare per lanciare programmi di copertura sanitaria per tutti i Washingtoniani (indipendentemente dal loro stato di immigrazione) a partire dal 2024 Equità sanitaria per gli immigrati 12,131 milioni di dollari sono stati stanziati nel budget supplementare per lanciare programmi di copertura sanitaria per tutti i Washingtoniani (indipendentemente dal loro stato di immigrazione) a partire dal 2024 Equità sanitaria per gli immigrati 12,131 milioni di dollari sono stati stanziati nel budget supplementare per lanciare programmi di copertura sanitaria per tutti i Washingtoniani (indipendentemente dal loro stato di immigrazione) a partire dal 2024 Equità sanitaria per gli immigrati 12,131 milioni di dollari sono stati stanziati nel budget supplementare per lanciare programmi di copertura sanitaria per tutti i Washingtoniani (indipendentemente dal loro stato di immigrazione) a partire dal 2024 Equità sanitaria per gli immigrati 12,131 milioni di dollari sono stati stanziati nel budget supplementare per lanciare programmi di copertura sanitaria per tutti i Washingtoniani (indipendentemente dal loro stato di immigrazione) a partire dal 2024 Equità sanitaria per gli immigrati 12,131 milioni di dollari sono stati stanziati nel budget supplementare per lanciare programmi di copertura sanitaria per tutti i Washingtoniani (indipendentemente dal loro stato di immigrazione) a partire dal 2024 Solidarity Agenda Additional Policies We Support Equità sanitaria per gli immigrati Status as of 2/27: Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education at 8:00 AM (2/18) 12,131 milioni di dollari sono stati stanziati nel budget supplementare per lanciare programmi di copertura sanitaria per tutti i Washingtoniani (indipendentemente dal loro stato di immigrazione) a partire dal 2024 SB 5574 Send a Comment to Your Legislators Equità sanitaria per gli immigrati HB 1214 Status as of 2/27: Public hearing in the House Committee on Finance (2/4) SB 5768 Status as of 2/27: Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means, Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass (2/27) 12,131 milioni di dollari sono stati stanziati nel budget supplementare per lanciare programmi di copertura sanitaria per tutti i Washingtoniani (indipendentemente dal loro stato di immigrazione) a partire dal 2024 Send a Comment to Your Legislators HB 1214 Send a Comment to Your Legislators SB 5768 Sign up to Testify/Submit Written Testimony Equità sanitaria per gli immigrati Status as of 2/27: Referred to Appropriations (2/12) 12,131 milioni di dollari sono stati stanziati nel budget supplementare per lanciare programmi di copertura sanitaria per tutti i Washingtoniani (indipendentemente dal loro stato di immigrazione) a partire dal 2024 HB 1146 Send a Comment to Your Legislators Equità sanitaria per gli immigrati Status as of 2/27: First reading, referred to Finance (1/15) 12,131 milioni di dollari sono stati stanziati nel budget supplementare per lanciare programmi di copertura sanitaria per tutti i Washingtoniani (indipendentemente dal loro stato di immigrazione) a partire dal 2024 HB 1319 Send a Comment to Your Legislators Equità sanitaria per gli immigrati Status as of 2/27: F irst reading, referred to Health Care & Wellness (1/28) 12,131 milioni di dollari sono stati stanziati nel budget supplementare per lanciare programmi di copertura sanitaria per tutti i Washingtoniani (indipendentemente dal loro stato di immigrazione) a partire dal 2024 HB 1674 Send a Comment to Your Legislators Equità sanitaria per gli immigrati 12,131 milioni di dollari sono stati stanziati nel budget supplementare per lanciare programmi di copertura sanitaria per tutti i Washingtoniani (indipendentemente dal loro stato di immigrazione) a partire dal 2024 No bill number yet
- AANHPI Heritage Month Registration | Asian Pacific Island
EVENTI Register Policies Contact Us May 24, 2025 from 11 am - 4 pm at Evergreen State College Longhouse AANHPI Heritage Month Celebration Vendors and Performers The Asian Pacific Islander Coalition of South Puget Sound, in partnership with the City of Olympia and the Evergreen State College and local community organizations, invite all to join us in celebration of Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander American heritage and cultures. The mission of this event is to highlight Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander American communities, cultures, traditions, and experiences. This event is free and open to all. Look at the vendors, performances, and activities we had at the event in 2024! Application Deadline: April 21, 2025 Vendor, Resource, and Program Applications Arts and Crafts Vendor The AANHPI Heritage Month Celebration showcases all types of handmade arts and activities! Show and sell your handmade products with us this year! Register Resource and Info Tables Are you with a non-profit organization that wants to reach a broader audience? Find out how we can collaborate by hosting a resource and information table. Register Food Vendor Want to share your delicious cultural or ethnic foods with our attendees? Sign up here! Register Program or Performance Are you excited to showcase your talents and activities with an engaged audience? This event may be perfect for you! Please join us! Register Workshops Ready to host a workshop at the event? Register here if you're interested in teaching attendees through crafts, art, and more! Register Vendor Applications Vendor Policies Set Up Approved applicants will get detailed information for set-up prior to the event. Set up times will be the day of. A table and chairs will be provided based on your application. Vendors are responsible for other furnishings (tablecloth, additional chairs, display, etc.). See the online registration form for more pricing information. Electricity Limited electricity is available upon request. Please bring your own extension cord. Extension cords are not available for rent or purchase on site. Vendor Policies Contact Us Do you have questions about becoming a vendor or performer? Contact us at . Contact Us
- AANHPI Heritage Month Celebration | Asian Pacific Island
EVENTI Join us this May as we share the stories, cultures, and contributions of our Asian, Native Hawai'ian, and Pacific Islander American (AANHPI) community The Asian Pacific Islander Coalition of South Puget Sound, in partnership with the City of Olympia and the Evergreen State College and local community organizations, invite all to join us in celebration of Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander American heritage and cultures. We will have food vendors, performances, and activities for the entire family. The mission of this event is to highlight Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander American communities, cultures, traditions, and experiences. This event is free and open to all. Event Day: May 24, 2025 from 11 am - 4 pm Event Day Address: s'gʷi gʷi ʔ altxʷ: House of Welcome (The Evergreen State College Longhouse), 2800 Dogtooth Ln NW, Olympia, WA 98505 Contact us at Getting to the AANHPI Heritage Month Celebration Parking is free and does not require a permit. Disabled Parking (DP) areas are noted on campus maps. Intercity Transit buses run regularly to Evergreen from across Thurston County. Visit the Intercity Transit website for bus routes, schedules, and other transportation options. Join us! Whether you join us as a spectator, vendor, or volunteer, we are excited to have you! Vendor and performance applications close on April 21, 2025. Learn More and Register PXL_20230520_212657081_edited IMG_0703_edited PXL_20230520_181424521 PXL_20230520_212657081_edited 1/79 Look at the vendors, performances, and activities we had at the event in 2023! Photos courtesy of Alicia Hall Crowley and video courtesy of the City of Olympia.
- Events | Asian Pacific Island
EVENTI Citizenship Applications Assitance Clinics One America (Washington New Americans) is holding a Citizenship Day clinic in our area on March 15th. They also have an open call for volunteers to help applicants complete forms, make copies, prepare their case to mail, etc. There will be attorneys who conduct screening and the final quality review. Sign up to volunteer HERE . If you know a legal permanent resident/Green Card holder who would like to take the next step and become a US citizen, please share the attached information. Please note, in order to participate as an applicant, the person must call or text in advance to register. The number to call or text is (206) 926-3924 . Call to learn more or register Sign up to Volunteer English WNA volunteer flyer 3-15-2-25 (1) Spanish English 1/7 Free Tax Prep Locations Anyone with a social security number or ITIN can register for a free tax prep! Call 360-347-6276 and leave a message, schedule online at OR visit any of the sites during open hours (walk-in appointments are limited). Schedule Online Race Dialogue Our 6th annual Race Dialogue will be held on March 29th at 10:00am-1:00pm. The FREE event will be held at the Lacey Community Meeting Room, and there will be the option to join virtually as well. For those who attend in-person, a light lunch will be provided. The goal of this dialogue is to inform us how racism hurts us all, and how we can be effective allies to each other. You will hear what actions are being taken and could be taken by all of us. We aim to empower everyone with the tools needed to have uncomfortable yet constructive conversations in the context of their own unique lived experiences within their communities. This is an opportunity to form collaborations with other like-minded organizations and individuals. We will be joined by speakers: Golden Neal, Fernando Mejia Ledesma, Denise Miño, and Kristin Ang. Please register before March 22. Register Here! APIC Democracy Summit APIC's Democracy Summit happened on Friday, September 27th, 2024 at the Tacoma Dome. Every four years, the Asian Pacific Islander Coalition of Washington holds a Democracy Summit with the goal of encouraging and promoting culturally meaningful and holistic civic engagement in our communities, and creating a space for our communities to collectivize around the issues that matter most to us. The summit is an opportunity for our culturally, linguistically, and geographically diverse AANHPI communities to come together and make sure our elected officials or candidates see, hear, and understand our collective power. Watch our highlights in the videos below! 2024 Democracy Summit 2024 Democracy Summit Riproduci Video Condividi Intero canale Questo video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copia il Link Link copiato Cerca video... In Riproduzione (Candidate Forum) APIC Democracy Summit 2024 24:25 Riproduci Video In Riproduzione ((Full)) APIC Democracy Summit 2024 03:50:51 Riproduci Video In Riproduzione (Highlights) APIC Democracy Summit 2024 15:32 Riproduci Video Bridging Divides Through Effective Communication This year's leadership development event, "Bridging Divides Through Effective Communication," was held on Saturday, October 19th, 2024 at the Lacey Community Meeting Room . This event focused on enhancing communication skills, fostering understanding across diverse groups, and developing more leadership skills that can bridge divides and inspire unity. View the Recording Here Race Dialogue: Change the Dynamics—What's Power Got to do With it Thank you to everyone who participated in our annual race dialogue "Change the dynamics--what's Power got to do with it" on March 16, 2024. We examined and discussed race relations and racism and how we can work together to achieve justice in our community. Special thank you to our speakers (Mukti Khanna, Kathy Baros Friedt, Mina Fedor, and Larry Delgado), and our co-sponsors (League of Women Voters of Thurston County, Inatai Foundation, Window Seat Media, and Playback Theatre). Our next Race Dialogue will be on March 29, 2025. Keep an eye out for the registration link in our newsletter! 2025 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Summit There will be a DEI Summit in Summer of 2025! This will be a Statewide initiative and more information is to come!
- WA Immigrant Relief Fund | Asian Pacific Island
Sensibilizzazione della comunità Application s are now closed! Payments for $3,075 went out in the mail in February to all approved applicants. If your application was approved but you haven’t gotten your money yet, or you’re having a problem with the check or card, don’t worry! We’re still here to help. It may take a few weeks, but we will work to fix the problem and get you your money. Call our helpline at (844) 620-1999 and lea ve a message . This is what the helpline can help you with: If you haven’t received your payment, we may be able to send it again If you have moved, we may be able to send your payment to a new address If you want to know whether your application has been approved, you can find out When you call, you will be connected to an automated system, NOT a live person. You can leave a message, and someone will call you back within 10 days. How to Access the Money Get Help with Your Questions Other Place fo Support FAQ Use the links below for more information: How to access the money If your application is approved, the money will be sent as either a check or prepaid card, depending on which one you picked when you applied. It will be sent to the mailing address you provided when you applied. There are a few important things to know about how to use these: Prepaid bank card The prep aid bank card can be used anywhere that accepts debit cards. It cannot be used to withdraw cash from an ATM. You must activate your card within 90 days If your card is lost or stolen, report it right away to 844-620-1999 to get a replacement card with no fee. You can only do this before June 30, 2023. If you don’t spend all the money on the card in 12 months, there is an inactivity fee of $3.95 per month. The card will have the Washington COVID-19 Immigrant Reli ef Fund logo in the top lef t corner Check You must cash your check within 90 days of the date written on the check. The check will have the Was hington COVID-19 Immigrant Relief Fund logo in the top left corner If you have a bank account in your name, you can cash the check at your bank free of charge You can also cash your check at a check-cashing facility like Moneytree, but they will charge a fee If you don’t have a bank account, you can cash your check at a Chase Bank. They will charge a $10 fee, and they require you to present ID. You must show one Primary ID and one Secondary ID from the list below : Primary ID Driver’s license with photo State ID with photo Canadian driver’s license or ID card with photo Chase ATM/debit card with PIN Matricula consular card (Mexico) Mexican voter’s registration card with photo Passport with photo Human Services ID with photo Secondary ID Additional primary ID Other US federal or state-issued ID with photo Employer ID with photo Student ID with photo Employer pay stub, paycheck, or letter with your name and address Foreign National ID Bank statement (from the last 60 days) Utility bill with name and address (from the last 60 days) Bank-issued ATM / debit / credit card with signature How to Access the Money Get help with your questions Call the WIRF helpline at (844) 620-1999 and leave a message. When you call, you will be connected to an automated system, NOT a live person. You can leave a message, and someone will call you back within 10 days. This is how the helpline works: Before you call, please make sure you know your unique application number. The application number is between 5-7 numbers long, and was provided to you when you submitted your application. It’s also included in all of the text and email updates about your application. If you call from a phone number that is different from the phone number on your application, you will be asked to provide the phone number used on your application. Select the language you want. If you want to know about whether your application has been approved, press 1 to enter your application ID and the phone number from your application, and then you will get an update on your application status. If your application was approved but you haven’t received your payment, or are having a problem with it, press 2 . Follow the instructions on the phone, and leave a message. You will receive a call back within 10 days. If you are having any problems with your prepaid card (like if it was stolen or arrived with less than $3,075 on it), call Blackhawk at (833) 209-9228, and they may be able to send your card again. There are several other funds that are different from this one. Please do not call the helpline with questions about these other funds. They are run by other organizations, and we do not have information about them. If you have questions about the Working Families Tax Credit, please go to . It’s not too late to apply for this tax credit! If you have questions about the Family Relief Fund for low-income families in Washington, please go to . This fund closes on March 31st. If you have questions about the King County Immigrant Relief Fund for immigrants in King County, please go to . This fund is not taking any new applications. Get Help with Your Questions Other places to get support If you want to stay updated on future immigrant support funds, immigrant enforcement in your area, and immigrant advocacy, follow Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network on Facebook ( ) or text the word WAISN to 509-300-4959. Someone in your family may be eligible for the following resources, offered by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) : Cash, Food & Medical Assistance Temporary Assistance for Needy Families You can apply to these DSHS programs online via Washington Connections , by phone at (877) 501-2233, or in person at your local Community Services Office. If you applied online, your next step would be completing an interview either via phone at 877-501-2233, or in person at your local Community Services Office. To get help in a language other than English, you should call (800) 797-0617, Monday through Friday, 8AM to 5PM to get language assistance. If you get a recording, please leave a message with your phone number and the language you speak and they will call you back with an interpreter. Starting in April 2023, people who filed taxes can apply for Washington’s new Working Families Tax Credit . Eligible people could get as much as $1200 back from their taxes. Other Place fo Support WA COVID-19 Immigrant Relief Fund If you have additional questions, you can reach out to our translators below: CHINESE | 中文 12:30-2:30 pm Call (323)609-5757 VIETNAMESE | TIẾNG VIỆT 5-6 pm Call (360)499-3616 CHUUKESE 12-1 pm and 4-5 pm Call (360)972-1888 Spanish | Español 4-6 pm Call (360)941-7905 TAGALOG 1:30-3:30 pm Call (360)721-7262 FAQ Will money from this fund prevent me from getting a visa or green card in the future because of the public charge rule? No. Assistance from this fund is considered disaster relief assistance and should not be considered under the public charge rule. Receiving assistance from the fund should not impact your ability to obtain a green card or citizenship in the future. Will I have to pay this money back? Will it affect my taxes? No, the money is FREE. It is not a loan. All payments are classified as disaster relief under the IRS and should not be included as taxable income. When will I get the money? If your application is approved, you will receive at least $1,000 through a check or prepaid card between December 2022 and January 2023. Who is eligible for the WA COVID-19 Immigrant Relief Fund? According to the WA State Refugee Coordinator at the Department of Social and Health Services, the WA COVID-19 Immigrant relief fund is a program that is intended to serve immigrants in Washington State who did not receive the federal stimulus fund and/or are not eligible to apply to the unemployment program because of their immigration status. Refugees, people granted asylum, COFA Migrants, DACA recipients, and other people who have legal authorization to work in the United States are not eligible for the WA COVID-19 Immigrant Relief Fund. Having the ability to work legally in the United States means that their immigration status would not prohibit them from applying for unemployment. Afghans and Ukrainians that have been granted access to refugee assistance and public benefits programs are not eligible for the WA COVID-19 Immigrant Relief Fund. Is my information protected? The application is run by a private company called LiveStories, not the government. They will never voluntarily share your personal information with the government, ICE, police, your landlord, your employer, or anyone else. All information is stored securely in an encrypted format so it can’t be accessed by anyone. What is the history behind the WA COVID-19 Relief Fund? Washington COVID-19 Immigrant Relief Fund - previous rounds There have been several rounds of the fund from 2020 until now. “WIRF 1” (late 2020): This was the first round of funding ($40 million). In this round, over 94,000 people applied, and 40,000 of the highest need applicants were approved for funding of $1,000 each. “WIRF 2” (early 2021): An extra $22.6 million that was added to provide funding of $1,000 each to people who had already applied to WIRF 1 and met eligibility criteria, but had not received funding. “WIRF 3” (mid-2021): This was another round of funding ($65 million). In this round, a new application opened in April-May 2021. Recipients got $1,000 each, and the money was sent in summer of 2021. The application period had to close earlier than expected, because of the large volume of applications. “WIRF 340” (current fund): This round of funding is for $340 million. This time, there should be enough money for most or all eligible applicants to receive money. All approved applicants will get at least $1,000, and the final amount will depend on how many people apply. How is the fund run? The fund is managed by immigrant-led community organizations across Washington State—the same people who advocated for the fund to be created. All of the organizations involved in the fund have worked for years with immigrant communities, including underserved farmworkers, low-wage workers, and immigrants who are Black, Indigenous, LGBTQIA2+, living with disabilities, and many others. Many of them are immigrant-led and they are all committed to the well-being and privacy of immigrant communities. You can see the list of community organizations at These organizations are partnering with the Governor’s Office, the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, and an application company called LiveStories to create this fund. While the Washington State government is providing the money and oversight, they do not handle any personal information. What is LiveStories? LiveStories is an organization that built the application platform called Forward. They review the applications, and work with payment providers to send out money. They hold all personal information in a secure, encrypted format, and will never voluntarily share personal information with the government.
- Contact | Asian Pacific Island
CONTATTA LA COALIZIONE DEGLI ISOLE DEL PACIFICO ASIATICO / CAPITOLO SUONO DEL PUGET DEL SUD +1 (323) 609-5757 Grazie per l'invio! Invia Le nostre assemblee generali sono una volta al mese; il terzo lunedì di ogni mese, dalle 18:15 alle 20:00. Se dovesse essere un giorno festivo, ci incontreremo il lunedì successivo. A causa delle restrizioni COVID-19, ci incontriamo online. Per il link dello zoom, scrivi a .
- WIRF-Chuuk | Asian Pacific Island
Sensibilizzazione della comunità Ika en emon chon ekis ka nonom non Washington State, kose fich ika eligible ngeni monian federal stimulus ika unemployment insurance fanitan omw immigration status, me pwan omw churi osukosuk fanitan ewe Covid-19 pandemic, ka tongeni apply ngeni ewe Washington COVID-19 immigrant Relief Fund. Ika noum application a approve ika ketiw, ka tongeni angei ukukun $1,000 ika nape seni. Esapw ew loan ei, iwe kosapw pwan meeni sefani. Porausom mei tumwun me monomon: esapw tongeni katou ngeni gofemen ika ICE. Ewe annukun public charge ese tongeni apply ngeni ei pekin moni. Ka tongeni apply ika angei aninis ren noum application non sakopaten fosun ekis. Ewe application mi suk seni September 19, 2022 ngeni November 14, 2022. Ese kamo omw kopwe amasou. Ren omw kopwe apply, tota won . Ika ke mochen aninis fanitan noum application, ka tongeni kokori ew ekkei community organizations mi tetenitiw non ewe website, ika kokori 360-972-1888. Ren omw kopwe apply
- WIRF-Vietnamese | Asian Pacific Island
Sensibilizzazione della comunità Bản tóm tắt Nếu bạn là người nhập cư sống ở Tiểu bang Washington, bạn không hội đủ điều kiện nhận quỹ kích thích liên bang hoặc bảo hiểm thất nghiệp do tình trạng nhập cư của bạn, và bạn đang gặp khó khăn vì đại dịch COVID-19, bạn có thể đăng ký xin Quỹ Cứu trợ Di dân COVID-19 của Washington. Nếu đơn đăng ký của bạn được phê duyệt, bạn có thể nhận được ít nhất là $1.000. Đây không phải là khoản vay, và bạn sẽ không phải trả lại bất cứ thứ gì. Thông tin của bạn được an toàn và được bảo vệ: thông tin sẽ không bao giờ được chia sẻ tự nguyện với chính phủ hoặc ICE. Quy tắc gánh nặng xã hội không áp dụng cho quỹ này. Bạn có thể đăng ký hoặc nhận trợ giúp về đơn đăng ký bằng nhiều ngôn ngữ. Thời gian đăng ký từ ngày 19 tháng 9 năm 2022 đến ngày 14 tháng 11 năm 2022. Bạn luôn được đăng ký miễn phí. Để đăng ký, hãy truy cập . Nếu bạn muốn nhận trợ giúp miễn phí về đơn đăng ký, bạn có thể liên hệ với một trong các tổ chức cộng đồng được liệt kê trên trang web, hoặc gọi 360-499-3616. Để đăng ký, hãy truy cập
- Business Resources | Asian Pacific Island
Risorse aziendali Equitable Access to Credit The Equitable Access to Credit Program, authorized by HB 1015 (RCW 82.04.449) (PDF) , provides a tax preference mechanism that generates funds for grants to qualified lending institutions. These grants, funded through contributions in exchange for B&O tax credits, are dedicated to providing access to credit for historically underserved communities. Grants application launch on or about March 2024 Grants awarded on or about May 2024 Washington Small Business Development Center (SBDC): Helping Washington Businesses Grow and Succeed The Washington SBDC is a network of more than 40 expert business advisors working in communities across the state to help entrepreneurs or small business owners start, grow or buy/sell a business. Contact Washington's SBDC for confidential, no-cost business advising and no-cost or low-cost workshops on a variety of business topics and customized market research services. Learn More Small Business Resilience Network Partners of the Small Business Resiliency Network (SBRN) provide culturally and linguistically relevant assistance and other business support services at no cost to entrepreneurs, small businesses and nonprofits – with an emphasis on those owned by historically marginalized and underserved persons – throughout Washington. Learn More Fondo Flex per piccole imprese Lo Small Business Flex Fund è una nuova risorsa per aiutarti a far crescere la tua attività. Lo Small Business Flex Fund è una nuova risorsa per aiutarti a far crescere la tua attività o no profit! La pandemia ha avuto un impatto su tutte le nostre comunità, ma è stata particolarmente dura per le piccole imprese e le organizzazioni non profit di Washington. Questo programma di prestito è progettato per aiutarli ad accedere ai fondi di cui hanno bisogno a un tasso di interesse competitivo per riprendersi più forti che mai. Ulteriori informazioni: Candidati qui Sovvenzioni per le piccole imprese Il programma statale di sovvenzioni per il soccorso COVID-19 per le piccole imprese del Round 4 di Washington da 240 milioni di dollari fornirà sovvenzioni alle imprese idonee fino a 25.000 dollari. Per supporto tecnico nella navigazione nel portale dell'applicazione, chiamare il numero (855) 602-2722 o e-mail . Candidati qui Programma di protezione della busta paga Il Senato degli Stati Uniti ha votato 92-7 per estendere l'attuale round del programma di protezione dello stipendio fino al 31 maggio! Le piccole imprese in difficoltà e le organizzazioni non profit ora hanno altri due mesi per assicurarsi un prestito PPP perdonabile. I datori di lavoro di WA hanno ottenuto 54.471 prestiti per un totale di oltre $ 4,6 miliardi nel solo 2021. Fare clic sul pulsante in basso per una rete di fornitori di assistenza tecnica e prestatori disponibili ad aiutare, anche in più lingue. Aiuto Small Biz
- Our Policy Objectives | Asian Pacific Island
I nostri obiettivi politici Quest'anno l'APIC ritiene che le seguenti agende politiche saranno parte integrante del miglioramento della vita delle comunità API nello Stato di Washington: Mantenere i finanziamenti per i percorsi LEP L'obiettivo principale di The Limited English Proficient Pathways (LEP) Pathways è promuovere l'autosufficienza economica per rifugiati e immigrati attraverso la formazione professionale, corsi di inglese come seconda lingua (ESL), supporto lavorativo e servizi sociali. Mantenendo i finanziamenti per il programma LEP Pathways, possiamo sostenere meglio gli immigrati a basso reddito e di lingua inglese limitata. Mantenere i finanziamenti per i servizi di naturalizzazione I servizi di naturalizzazione aiutano i rifugiati e gli immigrati, principalmente coloro che sono disabili e anziani, a ottenere la cittadinanza attraverso l'assistenza nel completamento della domanda di naturalizzazione USCIS N-400 e le richieste di esenzione dalla tassa, lezioni di storia e educazione civica americana e preparazione del colloquio. Mantenendo i finanziamenti per i servizi di naturalizzazione possiamo servire meglio immigrati e rifugiati nel nostro stato. Garantire e mantenere la copertura sanitaria e dentale COFA Il programma medico COFA dello Stato di Washington fornisce cure sanitarie e dentistiche essenziali ai cittadini COFA che sono stati esclusi dall'accesso ai benefici sanitari federali. Sebbene il Congresso abbia recentemente approvato una legislazione per ripristinare l'idoneità a Medicaid per i migranti COFA, lo Stato di Washington deve garantire che la copertura sia fornita fino al completamento dell'attuazione culturale e linguistica. Fornire soccorso ai lavoratori privi di documenti di Washington I Washingtoniani privi di documenti che sono stati esclusi dai sussidi di disoccupazione esistenti e dai pacchetti di incentivi federali sono stati particolarmente colpiti durante la pandemia di COVID-19. Sia attraverso un programma di emergenza temporaneo che amplia l'idoneità alla disoccupazione o finanziamenti più ampi attraverso il Washington Immigrant Relief fund, tutti i lavoratori meritano sollievo indipendentemente dallo stato di immigrazione. Promulgazione di un rimborso di recupero , una versione aggiornata del credito d'imposta per le famiglie che lavorano Un Recovery Rebate riporterebbe denaro nelle tasche delle persone a basso reddito, compresi i lavoratori immigrati che sono stati ingiustamente esclusi da altri benefici fiscali federali. Uno stimolo monetario mirato alle famiglie a basso reddito garantirebbe anche che i benefici siano diretti alle famiglie più danneggiate dal codice fiscale regressivo di Washington. Oltre alle nostre priorità legislative, l'APIC ha sempre sollevato la necessità di investimenti nella nostra comunità attraverso progetti di capitale. Quest'anno chiediamo supporto sui seguenti progetti di capitale: Centro Culturale Asia Pacifico Centro Culturale delle Comunità Unite del Laos AIPACE Aggiorneremo questo sito in seguito con i link per donare. Priorità politiche dell'APIC Scopri la posizione dell'APIC sulla riforma dell'immigrazione, la difesa LGBTQ+, la riforma dell'istruzione e le misure COVID-19.
- Our Mission | Asian Pacific Island
La nostra missione L'Asian Pacific Islander Coalition (APIC) è una rete statale di organizzazioni comunitarie dedicate alla giustizia razziale ed economica per tutti gli asiatici e gli isolani del Pacifico in solidarietà con le comunità nere, marroni e indigene. La Asian Pacific Islander Coalition (APIC) è stata creata dopo che il Welfare Reform Act del 1996 ha avuto un impatto significativo e ridotto l'idoneità federale dei non cittadini ai programmi di assistenza pubblica. Dopo aver riconosciuto la necessità di una voce collettiva a favore dei diritti e dell'equità degli abitanti asiatici e delle isole del Pacifico (API) nati all'estero, l'APIC ha iniziato a fare pressioni affinché il legislatore dello Stato di Washington colmi il divario creato dalla legislazione federale. Basandosi su questa eredità, ogni anno i capitoli APIC delle contee di King, Pierce, Snohomish, Yakima e Spokane e South Puget Sound riuniscono immigrati, rifugiati e cittadini dello stato di Washington per incontrare il governatore, i rappresentanti statali e i senatori statali per sostenere per i problemi più impattanti per le nostre comunità I nostri co-presidenti Lin Crowley Brian Locke